Ubisoft, the video game publisher behind the Rabbids franchise, has partnered with Reddit to give away free Rabbids NFT avatars to users on the social forum site.

The Rabbids NFTs are available in a variety of designs, including a grumpy knight with a plunger and a smiling unicorn rabbit with a golden plunger. Users can claim the NFTs for free by visiting the Reddit NFT page and connecting their cryptocurrency wallet.

The Rabbids NFT giveaway is part of a broader push by Reddit to embrace NFTs. In July 2022, the company launched its own line of NFT avatars called Snoovatars. The Snoovatars were an instant success, with over 1 million sold in the first week.

The success of the Snoovatars and the Rabbids NFT giveaway is a sign that NFTs are gaining popularity on social media. As more and more people become interested in NFTs, it is likely that we will see more social media platforms embrace the technology.

Why do Rabbid NFTs on Reddit matter?

The Rabbids NFTs on Reddit matter for a few reasons. First, they are a sign that Ubisoft is serious about NFTs. The company has been criticized in the past for its early attempts at NFTs, but the Rabbids NFT giveaway shows that Ubisoft is committed to making NFTs a part of its business.
