Telegram founder Pavel Durov advocated for greater market decentralization. However, the company is under fire for disclosing private user information.
In a November 30 Twitter thread, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov advocated for decentralization.
According to Durov, the blockchain industry began with the promise of decentralization but ended up losing its way, with power becoming concentrated.
As a result, Durov believes that the solution is for blockchain projects to “return to their roots”—decentralization.
He asks users to switch to trustless transactions and self-hosted wallets, which are also on regulators’ radar.
He also promotes Fragment, a decentralized auction platform built on The Open Network, abbreviated as TON.
Furthermore, he referred to this as a resounding success and stated that there would be more Fragment in the future.
Durov also stated that Telegram was developing a set of decentralized tools, including a non-custodial wallet and a decentralized exchange (DEX).
It will be able to “correct the wrongs caused by the current excessive centralization” in this manner.
However, Telegram’s data-sharing allegations have tainted the calls for greater decentralization.
Telegram’s user sharing, according to critics, is a direct violation of the decentralization movement’s ethos.