A Russian citizen has been apprehended and is set to face treason charges for allegedly sending cryptocurrency to support Ukraine’s armed forces.

The individual, whose identity remains undisclosed, was detained by Russia’s secret service, the FSB, in the Far Eastern region of Khabarovsk Krai.

The arrest comes as the Russian authorities have intensified their crackdown on those involved in aiding Ukraine’s war efforts.

The accused citizen is accused of providing financial assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, an action deemed detrimental to the security of the Russian Federation.

According to the FSB’s Center for Public Relations, the citizen was caught engaging in illegal activities related to transferring personal funds using cryptocurrency tools.

The individual allegedly made donations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine through a foreign charitable foundation, utilizing third parties residing in Ukraine.

The FSB’s investigation revealed that the funds were intended for the acquisition of various military resources, including unmanned thermal imaging sights, aircraft, ammunition, and medical uniforms.

In April of this year, Russia implemented stricter punishments for individuals found guilty of supporting Ukraine’s war efforts.

While treason convictions typically carry prison sentences ranging from 12 to 20 years, the recent updates to the Criminal Code now permit life sentences for those convicted of treason.

The FSB’s Investigation Department has initiated a criminal case against the accused, and further investigations are underway to shed light on the matter.

Ukraine’s government has been actively encouraging international crypto holders to contribute to its war effort. Initiatives such as the Crypto Fund have been established to facilitate donations.

Additionally, prominent players in the crypto industry have launched platforms allowing users to make crypto donations in support of Ukraine.

In contrast to Ukraine’s crypto initiatives, Russia has been developing its crypto infrastructure to enable trading companies to engage in crypto-based transactions.

By doing so, Russia aims to bypass international sanctions and reduce its reliance on the US dollar, thereby strengthening its economy.
