The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) has announced the beta launch of EOS EVM Mainnet, a development that aims to improve interoperability between the Ethereum and EOS ecosystems.

This innovative solution will allow for the deployment of decentralized applications (DApps) written in Solidity, the programming language used by the vast majority of web3 developers.

One of the major challenges facing Ethereum, a leading blockchain network, is scalability issues, which create hurdles for mass-scale DApp deployment. The launch of EOS EVM aims to bridge this gap and enable interoperability between these two networks.

According to Yves La Rose, the founder, and CEO of the EOS Network Foundation, EOS EVM is a significant milestone and represents the network’s commitment to a multi-chain future. This release will allow developers to access the lower fees and faster transactions that the EOS network offers.

As the Ethereum network continues to expect more adoption after the most recent Shapella upgrade, more projects are prioritizing the implementation of EVM compatibility within their networks.

Astar Network recently launched smart contracts that support two virtual machines, including EVM and the WebAssembly Virtual Machine, to enable the creation of new multichain applications within their network.
