David Maisel, the visionary behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe, drew parallels between the early days of Marvel Studios and Web3 in his speech at the Consensus 2023 festival.

Maisel, who recently launched Mythos Studios, believes that the self-funded and independent nature of Marvel Studios in its early days is reminiscent of Web3’s visionary beginnings.

Mythos Studios, which recently released the Ekos Genesis Art Collection, showcases original artwork from Michael Turner and Peter Steigerwald, known for their work with Marvel and DC comics.

Maisel believes that the use of art is crucial in breaking through the noise of modern life and creating a primal feeling that resonates with people.

Digital art and Web3, according to Maisel, provide an opportunity for art to be shared more widely than traditional methods. He hopes that this can democratize access to art, making it more accessible to people who may not have had the chance to see it before.

Despite the turbulence of the NFT market over the last few months, Maisel believes that the underlying value of art goes beyond prices.

He sees the same passion that fueled his work at Marvel in the Web3 space, and hopes to use his expertise to bring greater visibility to digital art and its possibilities.
