The counsel representing Celsius’ Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (UCC) has denied recent claims that bids for Celsius’ crypto assets were rejected.

Attorneys from White & Case LLP, including Gregory Pesce and Aaron Colodny, addressed the claims during a recent Twitter Space “town hall.”

The allegations were made in a post by crypto blogger Tiffany Fong on Substack, which claimed at least five firms were interested in bidding on Celsius’ crypto assets.

The UCC attorney confirmed that the bids have not been rejected, but refused to comment on the accuracy of the bids mentioned in the leak.

The leak was considered “regrettable” by the attorney, as it reduces the flexibility the committee has in the negotiation process.

The UCC lawyers are now investigating the leak, and expressed concern that a potential investor may be trying to manipulate the process for their own benefit.

They are considering a number of options for recovery, including becoming a publicly-traded recovery corporation, selling off mining equipment, and winding down or transferring the crypto to a third party.
