Wrapped Bitcoin Token cBTC has gone live on the Cardano testnet, opening up new avenues for Bitcoin users to access DeFi on the Cardano blockchain. The launch of cBTC on the testnet marks a significant milestone in the interoperability of blockchain ecosystems.

Cardano, one of the most promising blockchain platforms, has been gaining traction in the DeFi space. With the addition of cBTC, the platform aims to provide greater flexibility and convenience to Bitcoin users looking to access DeFi protocols.

The anetaBTC protocol allows users to mint cBTC tokens, which can then be used to fund, trade, or provide liquidity to Cardano testnet protocols. These wrapped tokens offer a 1:1 representation of Bitcoin on the Cardano blockchain, providing users with the same value and utility as the native cryptocurrency.

Wrapped tokens, like cBTC, are a game-changer for blockchain interoperability. They enable easy transfer of value across different blockchain networks that otherwise lack interoperability. This makes it possible for users to access different DeFi protocols without requiring the native tokens of that protocol.

The rise of DeFi protocols on Cardano has been impressive since the start of 2023, with total value locked (TVL) rising from under $50 million to over $150 million. This growth has been fueled by various DeFi enhancements, including the addition of cBTC.

Cardano’s innovative approach to blockchain technology has created a robust platform that is gaining popularity among developers and users alike. With the addition of cBTC, the platform is poised to attract more users and provide greater access to DeFi protocols.
