Input Output Global (IOG) recently released its weekly development report, showcasing Cardano’s impressive progress in various areas.

The report highlighted the significant advancements made in core technology, wallets and services, smart contracts, scaling, Voltaire, and Catalyst.

The networking team released six packages to Hackage, while the consensus team worked on improving the UTXO-HD lock mechanism.

The Ouroboros Genesis team identified performance sink in the fragment size calculation and began investigating a performance fix.

Meanwhile, the Adrestia team updated cardano-wallet and the Lace team improved its code and UI, addressing CIP-30 error handling issue and adding a feature to manage multiple DApps.

The report also revealed that the Plutus tools team focused on testing for Marconi indexers and adding better support for logging in the standalone emulator.

The Marlowe team added integration tests and property-based tests for ApplyInputs and state pretty-print choices in the Marlowe Explorer prototype.

In scaling, the Hydra team worked on smoke test improvements and enhancing the API for voting use cases. The Mithril team released a new 2315.0 distribution and made progress on the new certifier service of the aggregator.

The report also highlighted Cardano’s ecosystem growth, with 1,227 projects currently building on the platform, over 8.15 million native tokens created, and 7,783 Plutus scripts in action. The network has also processed an impressive 65 million transactions.

In addition to these accomplishments, Cardano continues to prioritize community discussions on governance through its Voltaire initiative, inviting community leaders and groups to run their workshops on CIP-1694. Financial support is available for those interested in hosting a workshop.

The Catalyst program also completed its initial cohort with the Ariob incubator program, helping eight early-stage ventures refine their businesses and prepare for presentations to pitch for further funding or collaboration opportunities.
